The House of Darkness

The House of Darkness is a 1913 American short drama film directed by D. W. Griffith.

The remainder of the film takes place at the aforementioned setting which hosts several unstable individuals. When violence erupts between two patients one of them played by Charles Hill Mailes escapes the scene in an attempt to avoid capture. At the climax of the chase the patient is ultimately soothed by the music emitting from a piano in the main hospital building Lillian Gish in a minor role and lets himself be taken away by the guards. As he is removed from the vicinity of the music he once again becomes violent and escapes the grasp of his attendants. After having come upon a gun he makes his way towards the house of the doctors wife during this sequence, the perhaps most interesting part of the film seen out of a technical perspective takes place as the lunatic sticks his head out in front of the camera from behind a tree. When the woman discovers him she becomes terrified. During the farce the wife puts her hands on the piano by accident, creating a sound which appears pleasing to the lunatic. He urges her to continue, using the gun as a tool of persuasion. She proceeds with the playing which ultimately results in him leaving the house and once again welcomes capture.The film ends informing the viewer on how music becomes an integral part in aiding mentally unstable individuals. ........

Source: Wikipedia